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Master of Technology
For graduates who want to become more focused in a particular area, getting a Master of Technology degree is an excellent option. There is also the added benefit of making more money, since you are considered more valuable and in possession of more specialized knowledge.
Sl.No | Branch Name | Specialization Code | Department |
1 | Environmetal Engineering & Management | 1 | CIVIL |
2 | Renewable Energy | 2 | SREE |
3 | Bio-Technology | 3 | Bio-Technology |
4 | CAD/CAM | 4 | MECH |
5 | Computer Science | 5 | CSE |
6 | Digital System & Computer Electronics | 6 | ECE |
7 | Pipe Line Engineering | 7 | – |
8 | Petroleum Engineering | 8 | CHEMICAL |
9 | Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing | 9 | MECH |
10 | Image Processing (IP) | 10 | ECE |
11 | Computer & Communications | 11 | ECE |
12 | Power Electronics & Systems | 12 | EEE |
13 | Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Systems Design | 13 | MECH |
14 | Mechanical Engineering Design | 14 | MECH |
15 | Machine Design | 15 | MECH |
16 | Computer Aided Analysis and Design | 16 | MECH |
17 | Advanced Manufacturing Systems | 17 | MECH |
18 | Thermal Sciences and Energy Systems | 18 | MECH |
19 | Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering | 19 | CIVIL |
20 | Geo Technical Engineering | 20 | CIVIL |
21 | Thermal Engineering | 21 | MECH |
22 | Transportation Engineering | 22 | CIVIL |
23 | Highway Engineering | 23 | CIVIL |
24 | Material Science & Technology | 24 | – |
25 | Software Engineering | 25 | CSE |
26 | Cyber Security | 26 | CSE |
27 | Instrumentation and Control Systems | 27 | EEE |
28 | Control Engineering | 28 | EEE |
29 | PS with Emphasis on HV Engineering | 29 | EEE |
30 | Power System Engineering | 30 | EEE |
31 | Power System & Control | 31 | EEE |
32 | Spatial Information Technology | 32 | — |
33 | Remote Sensing | 33 | SIT |
34 | Product Design & Manufacturing | 34 | MECH |
35 | Data Sciences | 35 | IT |
36 | Signal Processing & Communications | 36 | ECE |
37 | Digital Electronics & Communication Engineering | 37 | ECE |
38 | Digital Electronics & Communication Systems | 38 | ECE |
39 | Computers and Communications | 39 | ECE |
40 | Information Technology | 40 | CSE |
41 | Aerospace Engineering | 41 | MECH |
42 | Power & Industrial Drives | 42 | EEE |
43 | Power Electronics | 43 | EEE |
44 | Electrical Machine & Drives | 44 | EEE |
45 | Systems and Signal Proccessing | 45 | ECE |
46 | Communication Engineering & Signal Proccessing | 46 | ECE |
47 | Communication Systems | 47 | ECE |
48 | Embedded Systems & VLSI | 48 | ECE |
49 | Computers and Communication Engineering | 49 | ECE |
50 | Advanced Power Systems | 50 | EEE |
51 | Chemical | 51 | CHEMICAL |
52 | Power Electronics & Drives | 52 | EEE |
53 | Power system control & Automation | 53 | EEE |
54 | Power Electronics & Electric Drives | 54 | EEE |
55 | Embeded Systems | 55 | ECE |
56 | Power systems | 56 | EEE |
57 | VLSI | 57 | ECE |
58 | Computer Science Engineering | 58 | CSE |
59 | Computer Science & Technology | 59 | CSE |
60 | Electrical Power Engineering | 60 | EEE |
61 | VLSI System Design | 61 | ECE |
62 | High Voltage Engineering | 62 | EEE |
63 | Digital Image processing | 63 | ECE |
64 | High Voltage and Power Systems Engg | 64 | EEE |
65 | Electrical Power Systems | 65 | EEE |
66 | Power System & Automation | 66 | EEE |
67 | M.S in VLSI Engineering | 67 | — |
68 | VLSI & Embeded Systems | 68 | ECE |
69 | Neural Networks | 69 | CSE |
70 | Electronics & Communication Engineering | 70 | ECE |
71 | Tele Communications | 71 | ECE |
72 | VLSI Design | 72 | ECE |
73 | Civil | 73 | Civil |
74 | Geo Informatics | 74 | Civil |
75 | Digital Signal Processing | 75 | ECE |
76 | VLSI & Micro Electronics | 76 | ECE |
77 | VLSI Design & Embedded Systems | 77 | ECE |
78 | Food Processing Technology | 78 | FT |
79 | MS Ocupational Health& Safety Course | 79 | — |
80 | Communications & Signal processing | 80 | ECE |
81 | Embeded Systems & VLSI Design | 81 | ECE |
82 | Microwave & Communication Engineering | 82 | ECE |
83 | Telematics | 83 | ECE |
84 | Computer Networks & Information Security | 84 | CSE |
85 | Structural Design | 85 | Civil |
86 | Environmental Engineering | 86 | Civil |
87 | Structural Engineering | 87 | Civil |
88 | Computer Aided Structural Analysis and Design | 88 | Civil |
89 | Bio- Informatics | 89 | MECH |
90 | Bio- Medical Engineering | 90 | MECH |
91 | Infrastructure Engineering & Management | 91 | MECH |
92 | Chemical Engineering | 92 | MECH |
93 | Mechatronics | 93 | MECH |
94 | Computer Networks | 94 | MECH |
95 | Control Systems | 95 | MECH |
96 | Nano Technology | 96 | MECH |
97 | Avionics | 97 | — |
98 | M.S. Sports Technology & Health Science | 98 | — |
99 | Power Electronics & Power Systems | 99 | EEE |
100 | Power Systems & Power Electronics | 99 | EEE |